Do you want to make your consent choices again?

Version with no required consent

For this page, we've set purposeConsentRequired to an empty array, like this:

    "purposeConsentRequired": []

This means we don't require the user to make any consent choices. Once they dismiss the consent dialog, it won't reappear unless we do a reprompt action.

This is true even though our save button looks like this:

    <button on="tap:siteConsent.accept">Save</button>

instead of like this:

    <button on="tap:siteConsent.accept(purposeConsentDefault=false)">Save</button>

And now, some meaningless content

Anyway, let's see. This page contains all sorts of content.

Some of it is amazing. But most of it is extremely amazing.

They say "content is king". But who are they? Monarchists? And why would content be gendered in the first place?

The true goal of this astonishing content is to use up a bunch of space so that the consent dialog has a chance of popping up over it.

Truly, this could have been generated by GPT-3. Or GPT-0.